Woven scarf with stripes in multicolor


Enthält 19% MwSt.
zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: ca. 6-10 Werktage
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1 vorrätig (kann nachbestellt werden)

The colorful woven scarf made of high quality silk impresses with a specially coordinated color composition, reminiscent of a colorful plate of oriental spices and its smooth texture, which gently wraps around the neck, décolleté and shoulders. Let yourself be enchanted by the scarf and enjoy the magnificent play of colors that fit not only in autumn, but suitably combined also in spring, summer and winter and underline your individual style with the high-quality accessory.

Measurements: approx. 30 cm x 175 cm

Material: Silk

Order number: 471

1 vorrätig (kann nachbestellt werden)

Artikelnummer: S471-1 Kategorie:


This beautiful woven scarf with colorful stripes provides fresh and bright accents. The handmade scarf spreads happiness especially on cold and rainy days.

Zusätzliche Informationen


Ulrike Isensee





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